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Rekindled Hopes

Rekindled hopes , is an effort to usher in a sense of normalcy and  routine in lives of children immediately after cyclones or natural calamities . Since children are among the most vulnerable section of society disaster hit them the hardest .So this  Interim schooling helps to create a safer space for affected children with activities that cope them with trauma . 


A research report about the existing  level of inclusivity of LGBTQ+ students  in the educational forums through primary research  . 

newww wasteee.jfif

Helping hands

Waste picking despite being one of the most important areas of work in society, they are usually looked down upon and thus leading to leaving a lot of work on there shoulders . So helping hands is an effort to reduce the workload of these wastepickers through neighbourhood small efforts which could make a big difference. and at the same time upscaling there work. 




Toi- Finder

An App User interface to locate clean inclusive toilets nearby  one's location.

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A photo essay to provide an in-depth view of the conditions of sanitary workers at Ambedkar university . 

Country's future

Children are the future of our country and more than 3 lakh children are begging on streets of India. this is a self driven project to help educate those children , during the times of covid by taking caring of their education along with their mid day meals and considering their financial responsibilities at home. 

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